Mykola Bilous
01.10 - 17.11.2011
Mykola Bilous creativity put a question point-blank about the painting actuality, about possibility itself of innovation in sphere of forms today. The conflict between painting as such and actual art necessarily arose as long ago as in 1960-s. Joseph Kosuth noted that it's possible and must be asked about the nature of art, but impossible about painting. Redefinition of art borders and their troublous instability have no common with notion of painting technique and rather stable means of expression. Therewith painting requires scrutinizing and the actual art situation is targeted for momentary perceivable utterance.
Plane, illusion and ostensibility of reality may become picture in modern postmedia painting. Painter's mission as a reality witness is saved in spite of today's reality fully changed by human, filled with likeness, simulacrums, virtual artifact. It is not possible to touch it, experience it tactual. Painting today is means of returning from oblivion and put the reality to visible mode. By Nikolay Belous on formal level it occurs like a «returning» of figurativity, reanimation of volumes and colors from the flatness of «Black Square» of Kazimir Malevich – the demonstrated end of painting. On the sense level he returns life to reality, which is transformed by cinematograph to shadow, dream. This displayed in painting cinema reality is deprived of any temporary distinctness, the picture combines light and darkness and pure color saturation and form volume.
Oksana Barschinova,
art historian