26.01 - 28.01.2012


On January 26-28  the Gallery of Contemporary Art «Tsekh» and the «Skano» Company will present the joint project – “Non Cabinet Art” – the attempt to join actual art and the classic furniture for the home office.

The idea of the project came up unspontaneously. We think that we often interpret actual art as the result of the rebelliousness, the challenge to the society and the established traditions, radical stories, untraditional matters and methods of the Painters’ thoughts expressions. That’s why many of us like to visit exhibitions, art-centers and galleries and not all understand the place the art can take in our homes. The project “Non Cabinet Art” is aimed to destroy clichés and to show how quality actual painting becomes a part of our homes especially a part of the cabinet interior. 

Therefore the Gallery «Tsekh» and the «Skano» Company created 4 cabinet interiors using Björkkvist classic furniture – where they combined modern painting and the classic interior. The works of the modern painters - Nikolai Belous and Evgenii Petrov  - were integrated into the cabinet interiors and called to develop the idea of complementarity of the classics and the contemporary style. At the project the Björkkvist modular systems of the bookshelves and the furniture of the «Skano» company are used, whose design is unchanged during the last 100 years. 

«We combined the European traditions, quality and Ukrainian spirited visual decisions in order to show those variants of the home interior which seemed not to have the right to exist,» - says the Director of the Skano in Ukraine Inga Zhehtunova.

While designing a new apartment the designers and architects and the owners by themselves often do not consider modern painting, graphics and photographic art as the part of the interior. The aim of the Art objective is to create the unique individual furnishings at home. That’s why the second aim of the project “Non Cabinet Art” is to broaden the perception limits, to show those possibilities available for us when we are not afraid to experiment.