Ievgen Petrov
07.06 - 26.07.2014
Almost in every one of his projects Petrov depicts certain limits of fringe situations beyond which he brings his characters. According to the artist, the source of his inspiration for these plots stems from his own sensations. Petrov starts to work whenever his patience runs out, depicting that which incites him, dissatisfies him and goes against him. External negative irritant is one of the key stimuli of his creativity.
The exhibition is curated by Oleksandr Shchelushchenko, Director of Kyiv gallery “TSEKH”, and Masha Shaluieva, Head of the “ARTSVIT” project, thanks to whom the “Overtension” project has appeared in its most representative form. After all, the content of the exhibition is not limited to the ideological component; forms in which the latter is manifested are equally important. Exhibits have been collected from a wide variety of projects. Connoisseurs of contemporary art are able to enjoy and appreciate the diversity of forms and techniques with which the artist works - from painting and drawing to sculpture, wool felting, and carpeting.
Furthermore it is worth noting the efforts in ‘building bridges’ on the domestic art market. Indeed this is the first Petrov’s exhibition to be held outside of Kyiv. Within the last seven years the artist’s works were exhibited exclusively at the "TSEKH" gallery or abroad. An important indicator of cultural environment’s development is that such experienced and independent galleries as “TSEKH”, which is soon to celebrate its tenth anniversary, join forces in mutual projects with new art spaces throughout the country.
Sasha Geller