The artist creates his visions using a chosen expression that allows him to see the image he is producing in his own way. In this exhibition, the artist presents his works created in the last two years. The aim is to create artworks using an explicit media technology, whilst leaving freedom for the imaginative wandering of the spectator to change the cycle of perception of the work and to form his personal impression. Indescribable space, minimal means of expression and maximum effect are what the painter strives for.
The images projected are mathematical and geometric visions. By "projected", the artist means that these visuals are projected and calculated mathematically. Optical illusions and invented errors open up a field of experience for the viewer, inviting, sometimes even provoking, him to choose what he wants and how he can "solve" what he sees. There is always an option to see each image as it is presented, without any interpretation, or to be taken into a personalised experience, a personalised projection in another space, opened by the analysis of the work.
Geometry and texture are not related, but this is the task – to reveal the (im)perfection of the form in a given storyline. To give it not only form but also substance. The plot is presented as a static format, allowing the two-dimensional form to be understood as three-dimensional, despite the absence of shadow in the piece. Strict and precise objects are constructed through layers and unions of texture and colour. What is brutal does not have to be cold and harsh. The context of the artworks is not the essence of the painter's work, the form, does not tackle global themes and does not have any political dimension in this exhibition.
According to the painter, "I want all the objects to have their own purpose - to remain fluid in the imagination of the audience".
Exhibition coordinator - Karolis Gužas